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Riding a motorcycle is always better than driving four wheels. The mystery lies here

发布时间:2024-03-27  浏览量:91

China has entered a four-wheel travel environment, but many people who have bought cars still choose motorcycles for travel or entertainment. A common saying is that when riding a motorcycle, it feels very fast at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, while driving a car feels very slow at 60 kilometers per hour. In terms of speed alone, many people choose motorcycles over cars.

The key point of this sentence is "feeling". Under the same speed, motorcycles are faster, which is basically an illusion. So what factors are causing people to have such an illusion?



   In normal driving of a car, a person's normal perspective is to look directly at the road, and the visible area through the front windshield is vast and distant. The vast visible area and similar foresight environment can paralyze the human brain and reduce sensitivity to the environment. The lowest driving speed on highways is 60 km/h+, but it is the easiest to get sleepy and also the easiest to overlook the driving speed, which is the most representative scenario.

When a motorcycle is in motion, the normal human perspective is slightly lower than that of a car, and the line of sight is more focused on the near ground area rather than the car's far view. The forward looking environment is clearer, and the continuous changes in the near ground area can stimulate the brain; In addition, motorcycle helmets block some of the line of sight, resulting in a narrower visible area. Under the threat theory (i.e. danger makes people more focused), people tend to be more alert and more sensitive to their surroundings. Compared to the two, it is more likely to cause people to have illusions.


2、Tactile sensation

When a motorcycle is in motion, there is no obstruction from external objects, and air resistance completely acts on the human body. People have a clear sense of speed. In cars, the shape of the car is mostly streamlined, and the air resistance it receives completely acts on the car frame. The human body has no obvious tactile sensation, so the tactile sensation of driving speed is very unclear. The key driver of tactile sensation while driving - resistance is proportional to the speed of the vehicle, so it is easy to create the illusion of a faster motorcycle.


3、Relative velocity

The driving range of a car is usually on the main road, and the surrounding areas are also driven by cars. Everyone's speed usually remains relatively consistent. Whether you drive 40 in the city or start driving 120 on the highway, your relative speed is similar to that of other cars. Human visual perception of speed usually needs reference. When everyone drives at the same speed, your perception of speed will decrease. This is because the distance between the front, back, left, and right cars will change very slowly, so you cannot feel that the speed is fast. But motorcycles are different. Motorcycles cannot run on highways and urban expressways. Their range of activity is often on some streets, and even when driving on the road, they are still driving close to the roadside. In this way, the reference objects in the eyes of the driver are mostly trees, bicycles, and pedestrians. In contrast, the relative speed increases, so you feel that riding a motorcycle is very fast.



During the process of motorcycle driving, the surrounding noise and the noise generated by wind resistance during driving can make people more focused and sensitive; The relatively quiet environment in cars makes it easier for people to relax and reduce their sensitivity.



Cars are dozens of times heavier than motorcycles, and at the same speed, motorcycles, due to their lighter weight, tend to ride more gracefully than cars.

When the dashboard of a car and motorcycle is the same at 60 kilometers, there is a slight difference in error between the two due to different motors. The automotive instrument panel uses a stepper motor to rotate the pointer, which has high accuracy, small error, and can also slow down the phenomenon of pointer shaking.The instrument panel of a motorcycle uses a cross coil to rotate the pointer, and its accuracy and sensitivity are not as good as stepping, resulting in a relatively large error. So when the pointers display the same, due to errors, the speed of the motorcycle may be more inaccurate.


In fact, the question of which is faster between a motorcycle and a car at the same speed is like asking which is heavier than one pound of cotton or one pound of iron. When a car and a motorcycle reach the same speed of 60 kilometers, there is no difference in their speed, it's just that the actual driver feels different.


If the sense of speed has led some motorcycle enthusiasts to choose motorcycles, then the following reasons in the past few days make you unconditionally abandon cars and fall in love with motorcycles:


1.Motorcycles save fuel and money compared to cars

You already know that refueling a car can make your wallet shrink. But riding a motorcycle is different. If you are used to driving a car, then the much smaller mileage and fuel consumption of a motorcycle may surprise you. If you are used to driving cars with high fuel consumption, the contrast is even more pronounced. What's not good for us to buy something for the saved fuel costs?

2.Motorcycles are smaller and easier to store than cars    

For those who have a garage, the editor tells you an interesting fact: a garage that can only accommodate one car can accommodate eight motorcycles at the same time; For those who don't have a garage and need to spend a lot of money to buy a parking space in an underground garage to park their cars, I have good news: buying a motorcycle in this parking space saves money. Put it in any corner of the underground garage and give the security guard a little money or two cigarettes as a gift. Safe, cost-effective, and secure.


3.Motorcycles are much cheaper than cars

When buying a new car, if you buy a better brand and style of car, the price will be quite expensive. But motorcycles are different. You can buy high-end motorcycles at a relatively low price. However, the starting price of cars is not as low as that of motorcycles. Of course, because motorcycles are much smaller, after all, they are one-person. If you are single or planning to buy a second motorcycle, it may be more cost-effective.

4.Motorcycles have lower maintenance costs than cars

Motorcycles are more fuel-efficient than cars, they are cheaper to repair than cars, and motorcycle maintenance is relatively easy (many maintenance can be done by oneself). The fact that the cost is lower than that of cars is common in the world of motorcycles, and the same applies to high displacement motorcycles.


5.Motorcycles are more convenient than cars for parking    

No matter how busy the traffic is, how many people there are, and how difficult it is to park, you can ride a bike. If there are many cars and people, you can wear a bike. If parking is difficult, we can park directly in any small corner.

6.Motorcycles arrive at their destination faster than cars

Everyone is always distressed by traffic congestion when driving to work. It's really hard to sit there and listen to the ticking of the clock. Riding a motorcycle is completely different. You don't need to wait like a driver in a traffic jam. It can greatly help you reach your destination faster. That picture is too beautiful, you can imagine it.


7.Driving a motorcycle is more stylish than driving a car

It is an ironclad fact that riding a motorcycle makes you look cool. When a girl sees a boy riding a motorcycle and thinks he's cool and gives him extra points, it's a great blessing. When you wear leather, you look stunning and can't help but exude a confident charm. However, confidence is the soul of Fan Er, because confidence is sexy. It is impossible to achieve this level by driving a small car.


  • 2通道国内销售负责人(张)



  • 2通道国外销售负责人(叶)



  • 4通道国内销售负责人(邱)

